Wilderness Wanderings Began…

…In 1983 when I “rose on the wings of the dawn and dwelt in the uttermost parts of the seas”; that is to say that I took an early flight from Oakland airport to Frankfurt Germany.  It was my first ‘out-of-the-country’ journey and a one-way one at that.  After dreaming of seeing Europe for years I was thrilled (and a bit terrified) to be going to live in Wurzburg, Bavaria. My sister had graciously invited me to visit her as her husband was stationed there.  It was winter and I didn’t even own a warm jacket.  Nevertheless the first snow was delightful.  I had no idea how it was all going to work out, but doors opened after prayers were offered up in harmony with new friends.


I will always be grateful for Lou and Charles, the Alabaman couple, who opened wide their home and hearts to a bunch of unruly american military singles – along with a few others of  us – once a week.  Many of us shared fun, food and great fellowship over the years they were there.  They discipled us too and I still treasure many truths and practical wisdom gained in that time.

Nearly 3 years of my life were invested learning, loving, living and working in Wurzburg.  (It is No. 2 on my Top Ten List of Cities as you will see in my next post.)  I’d love to live a re-run of it. Besides the sharp, euphoric thrill enjoying a new land, language and culture brings when you want to be there, I fell in love with God again through His Word and His children.  I also learned some German, completed a Liberal Arts Degree while organizing classes for enlisted soldiers, explored Europe and went to Scotland a few times.  Germany became my first love of a foreign country and retains a special place in my heart.

About perigrinatia

World traveler, Primary and ESL teacher, emerging writer
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5 Responses to Wilderness Wanderings Began…

  1. Sharon Justin says:

    What a fun adventure! Can’t wait
    to hear more! I like your interesting
    expression of your story. Takes us there
    too! Would love detail of town and
    country side and culture/food back then!
    Keep up the good work!

    Liked by 1 person

    • perigrinatia says:

      Thanks Sharon! Feel free to share about your take on favorite cities or anything else for that matter!


      • perigrinatia says:

        And thanks for the ideas! My next favorite city, for your very own ‘heads-up’ is Wurzburg and I will write about the food and culture and such. But then I will wish I could have ‘Bratwurst und brochen with mustard’ and I don’t think I can find that here! Besides that, no way is it on my diet! 😉


  2. Lou McCullough says:

    Thanks Roxanne for reminding us of those days. It was a joy to have you, and many others, in our home. Like you I would like to live a re-run of it. Your blog is going to be a blessing to many people. Blessings and love to you.

    Liked by 1 person

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